When students first begin learning to multiply we provide them with a Multiplication Chart. We teach them how to go through the rows and columns and memorize the values of 2 times 3, 2 times 4 etc. The expectation is that they begin memorizing the values, so that as they increase the frequency of going through it, the totals will just roll of their tongues on demand.
In hitting unfortunately we put the bat in their hands, teach them how to swing the bat but we spend very little time explaining that each at bat is a different situation. Then we get frustrated when they take the same swing on any pitch, in any count, in any situation and we can’t generate runs.
I’ve put together a handy situational hitting resource that I call my Hitterplication Chart. Much like a multiplication chart, the concept is that players should review every situation and prepare mentally for what they should do in that situation. I’ve used this with the players that I instruct for several years, but yesterday I watched a game in which a team kept stranding runners that were in scoring position several times. So I thought this might be a good topic to bring to everyone’s attention.
To get you started I want you to imagine the one pitch that is your favorite. The location where you know everytime you get that pitch you destroy the ball. We will call that your pitch. With no runners on and nobody out, with no balls and no strikes you should be looking for “your pitch.” That means you don’t swing just because the pitcher throws a strike. That is useless to you. You want to see “your pitch” because you know you will kill that one. You have 3 strikes to work with so deprive yourself of your chance to swing at “your pitch” unless you have to.
You may need to print the chart multiple times and redo it based on various situations at the bottom of the page. For example … if your team is trailing by 1, you will need to put the ball in play to the right side of the field if runners are in scoring position and just sacrifice yourself with less than 2 outs. But if your team is trailing by 5, you probably don’t want to give up an out just to score 1 run.
If you have any questions, comments be sure to leave them here so that we can all work through this “situational hitting” stuff together.