Want to improve your hitting? Then take out the trash.

Seriously the best thing that you can do to help improve your hitting in softball is take out some of the old items from your house. But don’t take them to the trash can, take them to an area where you can make a mess without causing problems.

Have a container of milk that has expired? Set it on a batting tee and swing your bat through it.
Have a few left over eggs from that cake you baked? Set them on a batting tee and swing your bat through them.
Have some left over juice bags from that birthday party last week? Stand them on a batting tee and swing your bat through them.
Have some yogurts that taste terrible? Stand them on a batting tee and swing your bat through them.

Besides just being amazingly fun there really is a point to this madness. As I shared in a previous point the goal for really destroying the ball when you are hitting is to increase your bat speed. If you just hit a juice bag “strong” it won’t break. It will go flying a pretty good distance but it won’t explode. Follow all of my tips in the F=M*Ac post and swing until you are faster enough to destroy the pouch on contact. Until you can split the milk container on contact.

But all of those things are just the warmup for the real fun … try the same thing with water balloons. If you swing fast enough the water balloon will explode immediately on contact and will give you immediate feedback on whether you are hitting with speed or with strength.

Not everything you do to improve your hitting in softball has to be the same old drills. You can add fun to your training routine by working things in like this that help improve your swing by giving you immediate feedback.

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